The Mahdi: [12] Occultation and the Unseen || Sayed Ammar Nakshawani

Stages of discussion:

  1. How does the second surah of the Quran show that if you want to be pious in the eyes of God then believing in the unseen is one of the most important things?
  2. How did we come to an understanding of a God that we can not see? How does Ali bin Abi Talib replay to the person who said to him: “Have you ever seen God?”?
  3. Why is it that the human wants God to be made into an image? what is that feeling in the human that has always since time and memorial wanted to deify or put God into the form of an image?
  4. Are there Muslims who have made God into an image? And if they are, why have they made God into that image?
  5. What other creations of God in Islam do we have to believe in and we have never even seen in our life?
  6. How did Islam get saved because the prophet went into a night of Ghaiba? And what was that night of Ghaiba that the prophet went on?
  7. What is the difference between a prophet whose Ghaiba is in the heavens and a prophet whose Ghaiba is among the people of the Earth?
  8. The fact that we can’t see him, does it mean that we can not communicate to him and that he is not around us?
  9. How do the poets of Alle Mohammed discuss the reasons of the occultation of the Imam?



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