Quranic Misconceptions: [5] Sura#3 Aya#56 || Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa 307 views You already voted!00 Share Alsheraa | Quranic Misconceptions - Safeer TV Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa Allah Judgement Day Misconception Non-Muslim Quran Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa Series Series: Alsheraa's Quranic Misconceptions Sura#3 Verse 3:56 Quran 3:56 “And as for those who disbelieve, I shall punish them with a severe punishment in this world and the Hereafter; and they shall have no helpers.” Comments comments You may also like: Quranic Misconceptions: [4] Sura#5 Aya#38 || Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa Quranic Misconceptions: [3] Sura#4 Aya#34 || Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa Quranic Misconceptions: [2] Sura#5 Aya#51 || Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa Quranic Misconceptions: [1] Sura#9 Aya#5 || Sayed MohammedHassan Alsheraa