Footsteps of Zaynab: [5] Zaynab on the day of Ashura || Amina Inloes 566 views You already voted!00 Share Amina Inloes Amina Inloes | Footsteps of Zainab 10th of Muharram (Ashura) Amina Inloes Ashura Female Role Model Lady Zainab Series Series: In The Footsteps of Sayyida Zainab Comments comments You may also like: Footsteps of Zaynab: [6] Zaynab steps into the eyes of history || Amina Inloes Footsteps of Zaynab: [3] Her Learning || Amina Inloes Footsteps of Zaynab: [2] Her Patience || Amina Inloes Footsteps of Zaynab: [1] Why Zaynab || Amina Inloes